Why these changes?
The unnecessary sending of the booklet & card to countless Friends who do nothing with it -and yes, there are quite a lot of them- is something we can no longer do. As a foundation we stimulate sustainable use of our globe, so this is where we really miss the mark.
Moreover, it is no longer affordable. The production costs are rising, but especially the sending of the booklet & card is getting more expensive every year and can no longer be financed from the annual contributions of Friends.
Another big disadvantage of the booklet: when the address guide arrives it is already out of date. During the year the Guest Addresses drop out and new addresses arrive. So the information is never up to date and, compared to the site, incomplete. Moreover, a growing number of Guest Addresses choose to only be found online and are therefore not listed in the booklet.
Therefore, we are shifting our focus to online, but we continue to serve Friends who do want the booklet and map.