Register as a Guest Address

Great that you want to become a host!

Friends looking for a Guest Address will see your details. So please fill in the form below as completely as possible. For example, also the period that you do not want, or cannot receive Friends.

After checking your details, we will put you on our website as a Guest Address.

Personal information



Enter your phone number (without spaces). Do you live outside the Netherlands? Then enter your phone number with your country number in front of it. If you live in Belgium (country number 32), this could be your phone number: +32123567890
This phone number is only visible online

Guesthouse features

What kind of sleeping arrangements do you have?

Range and availability

Days opened

You can call on

Unique features

Select up to 10 extra features that make your guest address unique.
Maximum 250 characters. Links and/or references to other websites are not allowed.
Indicate your preference before October 1st.
Leave the field empty if you do not want to display an email address in the booklet.
I would like my guest address to be included as a Point of Interest (POI) in the route planner of Fietsersbond or similar non-profit partners of Vrienden op de Fiets.
Only possible for Dutch Guest Addresses.
Finally, a quick summary of the most important basic rules:
  • An overnight stay always costs € 25 for 1 adult Friend.
  • Vrienden op de Fiets (Friends on Bikes) is also explicitly intended for Friends traveling alone (for the same price).
  • Friends stay for 1 night.
  • A friend can count on a warm welcome, a good and clean bed, a shower, and a nutritious breakfast.